
Dear reader,

As you already know (I hope you have read some of my previous articles here) , reading is definitely one of my favourite pastimes. Although it really started with comics, I also started reading magazines at a very early age, i.e., eight-years-old. 😉

During my childhood I read just one specific magazine (more precisely, it was a Brazilian  magazine about soccer). However, from my high school days I started reading magazines about news, music and entertainment and after entering university I also started reading magazines about computers and electronics.

The list of magazines I have been reading during my life has been increasing through the years also because of my ability in reading them in a language different from Portuguese (my mother tongue). The good side of this “hunger” in reading a lot of magazines is that my knowledge in general has been improving through all these years. The bad side is that I usually I can’t stay updated with the latest news or trends since I’m not able to keep reading all their most recent issues… 🙂 🙂

One of my objectives in this page related to magazines is to include, describe and give my opinion about all the magazines I have been reading during my lifetime. Some of them are already out-of-print, but there are still quite a lot being published even these days!.

Best Regards from very hot Japan,

PLACAR:  one of the first magazines I read during my childhood!